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PCB Cleaner
Detergent Type: LiquidMaterial: PCB CleanerShelf Life: 2 Year YearsUsage: OtherPrice: 1200 INR/LiterPCB Cleaner
Pcb cleaner-100b description : pcb slag remover is korean product from il shin chemical co. specification * appearance id-100b shows excellent penetrating property between pollutant and material surface specification * appearance * ionic nature * sp. Gr(at 25 * storage stability * compatability * ecology/toxicity features application fields how to use package light yellowish liquid anionic 0. 9 0. 05 min. 1 year under cool and dry conditions when stored in original sealed, packaging. Compatible with anionic and nonionic materials. 1) id-100b has excellent penetration performance to remove pollutant from material surface. 2) id-100b is suitable for removing pcb slag. 3) id-100b is low-foaming product which can be easier to apply into process. Suitable for cleaning process of pcb slag. handwork cleaning at room temperature use the undiluted liquid to clean pcb slagSend Inquiry
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